Print-at-Home Coupons are alive and well

Posted in: Shopper Marketing

For many CPG brands, there is no better or more efficient way to distribute a targeted offer than through a print-at-home manufacturer’s coupon program. When considering a print-at-home program, you want the most flexibility and customization possible, without waiting days or weeks to launch an offer. Furthermore, you want straight-forward pricing without long-term “gotcha” contracts. Hundreds of CPG companies across…


shopper marketing digital coupon toolkit

The Shopper Marketing Digital Coupon Toolkit

The right tools always make the job go a lot easier and produces a better product in the end.  You can’t be a home-builder without owning all the right tools and, most importantly, knowing how to use these tools determines the quality of the finished product.  In skilled hands, the right tool performs flawlessly and shapes the project towards an…


Posted in: Shopper Marketing

fmcg microsite best practices

Shopper Marketing Best Practices: Building a Rockin’ Microsite for Your FMCG Brand Client

The FMCG microsite can be like a black hole that sucks all matter deep into its center never to be seen again, or it can serve as an effective platform that guides visitors directly towards your end goal. Over the years we have worked with great shopper marketing agencies who have created awesome microsites that performed very well. However, sometimes…


Posted in: Shopper Marketing

cpg brand coupon influencer network possibilities

Shopper Marketing: Build the Next Big Influencer Network

Research states that word of mouth produces two times the amount of sales than any other type of advertisement. Also, due to some 5,000 ads the average American sees every day, the traditional ad is not nearly as effective as it was even just 20 years ago. In an attempt to reinvent word of mouth, companies are now starting to…


Posted in: Shopper Marketing

digital coupon gating platform

Gating: How to Reach your Target Market with Coupon Gating

Every good marketing professional knows the importance of target marketing. The idea is simple: find who you want to buy your product, and present your product to those individuals directly. Sounds easy enough, right? But, as any marketer also knows, the process to use target marketing efficiently can be difficult. Taking the time to identify the audience and work everything…


Posted in: Shopper Marketing

digital coupon usage statistics

Manufacturer’s Coupons Usage Stats: Your Little Black Dress

Much like your go-to black dress, Manufacturer’s Coupons are a consumer staple. At first glance, coupons seem about as outdated as lava lamps and disco balls (and not the cool ones from Dancing with the Stars). But, according to a recent report by Valassis, coupons are not going away any time soon. They are like that little black dress you…


Posted in: Shopper Marketing

cpg digital coupon management program

The 5 Building Blocks of A Successful Digital Coupon Program

Manufacturer’s Coupons have been around for 130 years, ever since Coca-Cola issued the first coupon around 1887. And, it would seem like much has changed since then, but yet, very much is still the same. Regardless of how you distribute your digital coupon, building a great campaign starts with a few basics from which to build.    PromotionPod provides these five…


Posted in: Shopper Marketing

digital coupon programs for CPG brands

Top Three Things You Must Know Before Starting A Digital Coupon

  If you have decided to start offering your consumers a digital Manufacturer’s Coupon for your CPG brand, congratulations. You have made a great first step to helping your brand build new sales and reach your consumers where they are looking…the web.  You may have started doing some research and have now realized how many questions you really have. PromotionPod…


Posted in: Shopper Marketing